Kidney Disorders

Kidneys are crucial organs in the human body. They are responsible for purifying blood through excretion of waste and retaining enough water to keep the body hydrated. Kidney disorders, therefore, means that the kidney is damaged hence cannot cleanse the blood. Consequently, waste builds up in the body. Chronic kidney diseases develop over an extended period mostly due to diabetes or high blood pressure. Acute kidney diseases happen abruptly due to diseases, injury or medication. Kidney disorders are on the rise, and everyone is prone regardless of their age, race or gender. Here is a look at the most common kidney disorders:

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

This malfunction is the most common. It is a genetic kidney disorder typified by the presence of cysts filled with fluids. The affected kidney increases in mass and causes excruciating pain. Some symptoms include:

  • Presence of urine in blood
  • High blood pressure
  • Painful menstruation
  • Nail abnormalities
  • Abdominal pain on either side


Commonly referred to as urinary tract infections, Pyelonephritis is mostly occasioned by bacterial or viral infections on parts of the urinary tract. Bladder and urethra infections are common. This disorder is easily treatable and rarely causes health complications unless left untreated.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones occur when minerals crystallize in the kidneys forming stones which are passed during urination resulting in severe pain. Larger stones may block the kidney and require surgery removal. They, however, do not cause fatal problems.


This is similarly a common disorder. Glomeruli are tiny vessels in the kidneys. This disorder is as a result of their inflammation commonly arising out of some medication, congenital or metabolic disorders. Other conditions as a consequence of this inflammation are lupus nephritis and autoimmune nephritis. Nephropathy results from a non-inflammatory kidney condition
Common symptoms

  • Reduced urine
  • Loins pain
  • Blood in the urine
  • Edema


Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease is among the most common kidney diseases. It develops and gets worse over time. High blood pressure is the leading cause since it increases pressure on the glomeruli, causing damage to this tiny vessels. Diabetes is also a chronic cause. An increase in blood sugar levels damages the vessels rendering the kidney unable to perform its cleaning functions. Progression of this disease leads to kidney failure which demands dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Common symptoms


  • Exhaustion
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swollen feet and ankles
  • Increased urination


Renal Acidosis

Due to the malfunction of the kidney, acids that need excretion from the body accumulate in the blood. This causes the heart to speed up the rate of breathing. Treatment for this type of disorder is usually weight control and following a proper diet plan.

Kidney Cancer

Another common kidney disorder is kidney cancer. The Nation Cancer Centre rated it as one of the most common types of cancer.Cancer develops when kidney tissues grow at an abnormal rate and fail to die off as required. Smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure increase the chances of getting kidney cancer.—What-You-Should-Know&id=8067328

Symptoms that lead to renal failure show up in the late stages. Unfortunately, if these diseases go untreated, they only get worse. While abdominal pains on the left side is a common symptom of various kidney disorders, this does not necessarily rule out other diseases. Other common diseases known to cause abdominal pains are stomach cancer and chronic pancreatitis. It is, therefore, advisable to seek medical advice for early diagnosis which is only possible through blood or urine test. If the disorders are diagnosed and treated early, the chances of recovery are high. Treatment is through dialysis which involves removing blood from the patient’s body and having it cleaned through a dialysis machine. Alternatively, a kidney transplant is performed. Healthy eating is also essential for good kidney health.

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