Acid Reflux Chest Pain

Acid reflux is a feeling of burning pain around the lower chest area which is caused by stomach food, bile, and others, churning out (reflux) back into the esophagus. It is also known as heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In this article we will discuss the many symptoms and causes of acid reflux chest pain as well as some possible treatments.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux Chest Pain

GERD or acid reflux is such a common problem, but sometimes its symptoms are easy to mistake for something else. Here are some of them:

• When the pain lasts longer and more intense, many people mistake heartburn for a heart attack.
• Some of the acids in the stomach leak into the esophagus when lying down, causing the heartburn.
• Pain that fires up right after a big fatty meal with alcohol means the stomach is full and what’s inside must go up.
• Acid leaks from the stomach into the back of the throat, dumping a nasty taste in the mouth.
• Cracking voice or voice sounds hoarser than usual.
• A sore throat might actually be a result of problems in the digestive system.
• Sometimes extreme coughing and wheezing from heartburn could trigger asthma.
• For unexplained nausea, think of reflux as the culprit, especially right after a meal.
• Sudden excessive mouthwatering may mean that the body could be trying to wash out a nuisance in the esophagus.
• Difficulty in swallowing is experienced when continuous reflux causes inflammation in the esophagus making the esophagus narrower.

Causes of Acid Reflux Chest Pain

There is a valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is responsible for opening and closing the stomach to let the food in and stop it from being churned up. When the LES becomes too drained or weak to move, this problem called acid reflux starts to manifest itself.

Diet and lifestyle can also cause acid reflux. Too much fatty food, mints, chocolate, alcohol, coffee, and tea, all tend to make the LES weak. Smoking, obesity, and pregnancy can also temporarily wear out the LES.

Acid Reflux Chest Pain Treatments

1. For people who have recurring acid reflux, there are medications are known as a proton-pump inhibitor, which will decrease their acid production and lessen the possible harm caused by acid reflux.

They are generally safe and effective, but they may not be good for everyone with reflux disease because they can cause different side-effects.

2. For people who suffer from acid reflux only once in a while, medications to reduce the acidity of the stomach contents can be obtained from the pharmacy without a prescription.

These antacids come in liquid or tablet form and they are effective for short-term relief.

3. To avoid triggering acid reflux, the following changes to lifestyle or behavior can prevent or improve symptoms:

• Avoid food and drinks that trigger heartburn for you.
• Eat smaller meals.
• Remain sitting or standing for two to three hours after a meal.
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Avoid putting extra pressure on your chest.
• Quit smoking.

Persistent problems with untreated acid reflux can lead to serious complications, including an increased risk of cancer.

Many people often experience a piercing or sensitive pain in the chest that feels similar to a heart attack or other heart-related problems.

It may be a cardiac heart pain if the pain is constant and unchanging, and it can be an acid reflux chest pain if it changes with every movement. See the doctor immediately to evaluate any abdominal pain for proper identification and management.
