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Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season Hurricane season is already upon us, although it feels like it was just yesterday that we were cleaning up after Hurricane Irma. Newscasters are advising that this upcoming…
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allergy season

Spring is in the Air

Allergies, News
Spring season is such a lovely time of the year to connect with family and friends and partake in outdoor activities, however, with this blooming season comes a wave of…
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national poison prevention week

National Poison Prevention Week

March is already promising to be a very active month with Spring season just around the corner and so many other awareness campaigns kicking off, however, this month we want…
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free blood pressure cholesterol blood sugar and BMI testing

Know your Numbers this February

Know your Numbers this February   Much like October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, February is all about Heart Health Month and we at Medi-Station Urgent Care love everything…
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Sugar, The Silent Killer!

  Many of us can go through our entire life without having any aversions to sugar, but that doesn’t mean that we are in the clear. At the tender stages…
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