Cooler weather across the country will soon turn to cold in northern climates, which usually means that flu season will be in full gear. Even though South Florida doesn’t experience such extreme weather, many residents can still find themselves vulnerable to this potentially deadly illness. That could mean making a trip to Miami Urgent Care.

Residents who take such concerns for granted or snowbirds that aren’t always familiar with the area might find themselves asking the question: Where is there an Urgent Care near me? To hopefully avoid such scenarios, listed below are some things to know during flu season.

A Dangerous Time of Year

Coming down with the flu is something that can take place at any time of year, yet the prime season for falling victim to it is currently in its early stages. During the months of December and February, the chance of developing the illness reaches its peak, with that risk lingering until May.

A special concern this year is the fact that Australia’s winter season has just ended, with residents there developing the flu at two times the rate from last year. The reason that this fact is important is because past history has shown a strong parallel between what happens there and what ends up taking place in the United States.

The Importance of Vaccination

While newborns less than six months old can benefit from receiving a flu shot, it’s especially important that the individuals that will be around them get this shot. That’s because those people may unknowingly spread the illness, which can quickly find parents of that newborn furiously racking their brain as they wonder to themselves: Is there an Urgent Care near me?

Potential Concerns

Miami Urgent Care knows that some people may experience a bad reaction because of allergies, so it’s important to speak with a medical professional about alternative considerations. Such individuals are well-versed in their knowledge about vaccines and can dispel myths that have been thrown into the public discourse about their supposed dangers.

By getting a flu shot, you’ll effectively protect yourself for pretty much the entire season. However, because there can be many different strains to this virus, it’s entirely possible that you might still contract the flu. Still, a shot will address the most prominent strains currently in this part of the world. There’s also the possibility that those crafting the vaccine may have simply miscalculated the potency of the strain.

Some people are under the belief that using a nasal spray will compensate for not getting a flu shot, which could conceivably lead to deadly consequences. That’s because organizations like the CDC, which closely monitor the scope of this illness, have found that sprays are generally ineffective in helping avoid the flu.

Cold, Hard Numbers

The flu isn’t anything to play around with, considering that more than 35 million people around the globe may develop it during a year. Even if that number falls on the lower end of the spectrum, the reality is that approximately 150,000 people are hospitalized because of the flu every year and tens of thousands die from this illness.

Where is There an Urgent Care Near Me?

Though the CDC has only made available vaccine doses for close to half the population of the United States, Miami Urgent Care is well-equipped to handle the oncoming flu season. Nothing is more important to you than your own health and that of loved ones. So contact us at 305-603-7650 or fill out our online form to get some peace of mind.

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